Interested in Enrollment?
Give us a call: (520) 724-9400 and we will direct you to our specialist.
Tucson's Vocational Charter High School
Pima Vocational High School (PVHS) is a public charter school that welcomes youth ages 16 to 21 who want to meet Arizona State requirements for a high school diploma and obtain a sustainable job through career oriented work experience in an applied academic setting. Our program targets students who have previously dropped out of school or are at risk of not completing high school and provides on-site supportive social services to enable the students to take responsibility for their own education, career and life choices. Our comprehensive programs are provided within a small school learning community utilizing best practices for reconnecting out-of-school youth.
“The small community-like atmosphere helped me keep my focus on attaining my high school diploma. The staff, especially, kept an eye on everyone’s individual progress and took the time to make sure we were doing what we needed to do in order to meet our goals. I went through several personal family problems; one in particular left me without the means of getting to school or having a roof over my head. PVHS was able to help get me in contact with Youth On Their Own, and I was able to continue to make school my number one priority.”
-PVHS Graduate
Share your story!
What impact has PVHS had on your or your student's life?
Students, parents, families - please share your personal experience with Pima Vocational High School here.
What impact has PVHS had on your or your student's life?
Students, parents, families - please share your personal experience with Pima Vocational High School here.
Our TWO Tucson Locations:
Irvington Campus175 W. Irvington Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85714 (520) 724-9740 |
Ina Campus5025 W. Ina Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85743 (520)724-9400 |
School Board Meetings are held monthly throughout the school year.
For notices & agendas, please see the Pima vocational High School Board page on the Pima County website. A.R.S. § 15-102 provides that school districts have ten (10) calendar days to produce all records requested by a parent or to communicate in writing the reasons why the district cannot or will not produce the requested records. The principal or superintendent is responsible for all communication regarding the district’s response.
Daphanie Conner: 520-724-5724 |
CLICK HERE to see our dashboards with Arizona State Board for Charter Schools
School Year 23 - 24 Budget Hearing Notification and Budget Proposal:
Average Teacher Salary 1. Average salary of all teachers employed in budget year 2024: $49,533 2. Average salary of all teachers employed in prior year 2023: $48,068 3. Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year 2023: $1,465 4. Percentage increase: 3% Arizona Department of Education